Blaupunkt GTW 1200 MYSTIC SERIES, GTW 1000 MYSTIC, GTW 1000 MYSTIC SERIES El kitabı

  • Bu dokümanı okudum ve Blaupunkt markasının GTw 1000 Mystic ve GTw 1200 Mystic subwoofer cihazları hakkında bilgi sahibi oldum. Bu kılavuz, cihazların araçlara nasıl doğru ve güvenli bir şekilde takılacağı, muhafazalarının nasıl yapılması gerektiği gibi konuları içerir. Ayrıca, doğru ses kalitesinin elde edilmesi için önemli bilgiler de sunulmaktadır. Merak ettiğiniz başka bir şey varsa lütfen sorun, elimden geldiğince yardımcı olmaya çalışacağım.
  • Subwoofer'lar nerelere takılmamalıdır?
    Subwoofer muhafazası yapımında nelere dikkat etmeliyiz?
    Subwoofer'ın etkili hacmini nasıl artırabiliriz?
    Hangi tip frekans geçişleri kullanılmalıdır ?
GTw 1000 Mystic 7 606 474 002
GTw 1200 Mystic 7 606 475 002
GTw 1000 Mystic, GTw 1200 Mystic
σανίδα τοποθετείται στο πορτμπαγκάζ κάτω από την εταζέρα ή πίσω από
το πίσω κάθισμα. Τυχόν υπάρχοντα διάκενα αέρα πρέπει να στεγανοποι-
ηθούν με μονωτικό υλικό.
Η μορφή του κουτιού παίζει κατά την αναπαραγωγή χαμηλών συχνοτήτων
δευτερεύοντα ρόλο και μπορεί επομένως να επιλεγεί σε κάποιο βαθμό
κατά βούληση. Περίεργες μορφές ωστόσο που δεν μπορούν να κοπούν με
ακρίβεια και να συγκολληθούν εύκολα πρέπει να αποφεύγονται.
Σανίδες MDF ή υψηλής ποιότητας κόντρα πλακέ από σημύδα με πάχος από
18 μέχρι 25 mm είναι κατάλληλα για την κατασκευή των κουτιών.
Όλα τα τοιχώματα του κουτιού που εφάπτονται μεταξύ τους πρέπει να κολ-
ληθούν, να βιδωθούν και να στεγανοποιηθούν, για να αποφευχθεί η προο-
δευτική αποσύνδεση λόγω ταλαντώσεων και περιβαλλοντικών παραγόντων
στο όχημα.
Για να αποφύγετε ταλαντώσεις σε μεγάλα κουτιά είναι καλό να υπάρχουν
ενισχυτικά νεύρα.
Ηχομονωτικό υλικό (πρόβειο μαλλί ή πολυεστερικές ίνες) με το οποίο
γεμίζει ο εσωτερικός χώρος κατά τουλάχιστον 50 τοις εκατό, αυξάνει
τον ενεργό χώρο του κουτιού κατά 5 με 15 τοις εκατό.
Τα καλώδια από τον ενισχυτή προς το υπογούφερ πρέπει να είναι όσο το
δυνατόν πιο κοντά και να έχουν διατομή τουλάχιστον 2,5 mm
Το ολοκληρωμένο κουτί του υπογούφερ πρέπει να είναι απόλυτα σταθερό
και αεροστεγές.
Εάν είναι δυνατόν τοποθετήστε σωλήνα bass reflex με διάμετρο 7 έως 10 εκ.,
για να αποφύγετε τους συνηθισμένους σε μικρότερα ανοίγματα θορύ-
βους του αέρα. Σωλήνες PVC με διάφορες διαμέτρους είναι διαθέσιμοι
στο εμπόριο, όπου τα οποία τμήματα σωλήνα μπορούν να τοποθετηθούν
με συνδέσεις στο κουτί.
Τοποθετήστε ενεργά (ηλεκτρονικά) crossover, όπως έχουν τοποθετηθεί
π.χ. σε όλους τους ενισχυτές Blaupunkt. Η τοποθέτηση παθητικών cross-
over δεν συνίσταται.
Ανακύκλωση και αποκοιδή
Παρακαλούμε χρησιμοποιήστε για την αποκομιδή του προϊόντος
τους συνήθεις τρόπους ανακύκλωσης.
Επιφυλασσώμεθα του δικαιώματος αλλαγών χωρίς προειδοποίηση
Avrupa Birliği dahilinde satın alınmış ürünlerimiz in üretici garantisi
sunmaktayız. Garanti şartlarını adresinden çağırabilir
veya doğrudan ıdaki adresten talep edebilirsiniz
Blaupunkt GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Str. 200
D-31139 Hildesheim
Güvenlik uyarıları
Takma ve bağlantı talimatları
Bağlantı deliklerini delmeden önce, yeri değiştirilen kablo veya araç
parçalarının hasar görmeyeceğinden emin olunuz.
Subwoofer gevşek arka gözlere (hatchback araçlarda) veya öne doğru
açık olan yerlere monte edilmemelidir.
Arıza emniyeti için hoparlör kabloları, kablo gruplarına yeterli mesafede
döşenmelidir. Keskin kenarlı deliklerde kablo geçişleri kullanınız.
Subwoofer muhafazasının kurulması hakkında bilgiler
Muhafazayı kurmaya başlamadan önce, temel konstrüksiyon uyarına
dikkat etmelisiniz:
Woffer'in ön ve arka taraftaki parçaları arasındaki akustik ayırımı sağla-
mak için sonsuz ses duvarlı subwoofer, araca kesilmiş bir ahşap plaka
yardımıyla kolayca takılabilir. Ahşap plaka, bagajda pandizotun altına
veya arka bankın arkasına yerleştirilir. Olası mevcut hava boşlukları
conta macunu ile izole edilmelidir.
Muhafaza formunun, derin frekanslarda çalınırken düzensiz bir rolü
vardır ve bu yüzden rölatif olarak serbest seçilebilir. Zor kesilebilen ve
tutkallanabilen bozuk formlardan kaçınılmalıdır.
MDF plakalar veya 18 - 25 mm kalınlığında kayın ağacından yüksek
kaliteli kontrplaklar kutuların yapılması için çok uygundur.
Araçtaki titreşimlerden ve çevre etkisinden dolayı parçaların ayrılma-
sını önlemek için birbirine çarpan bütün muhafaza parçaları tutkallan-
malı, vidalanmalı ve izole edilmelidir.
Titreşimleri önlemek için, büyük kutularda takviye kanadı olmasında
fayda vardır.
İç hacmi en az yüzde 50 doldurulmuş akustik yalıtım malzemesi
(koyun yünü veya polyester keçe) , muhafaza sesinin etkisini yüzde
5 – 15 arttırır.
Amplifikatör ile subwoofer arasındaki kablo mümkün olduğu kadar kısa
olmalıdır ve en az 2,5 mm
'lik bir enine kesite sahip olmalıdır.
Tamamlanmış subwoofer muhafazası mutlaka sağlam ve hava geçirmez
Mümkün ise küçük açıklıklarda hava seslerini önlemek için 7 - 10 cm
çaplı bir bas refleks tüneli kullanılmalıdır. Mafsallı boru parçalarının
muhafazaya yerleştirilebilmesi için PVC borular çeşitli çaplarda temin
Aktif (elektronik) frekans makası yerleştirilmelidir, örn. bütün Blaupunkt
amplifikatöre takılanlar gibi. Pasif frekans makasın kullanılması
Geri dönüşüm ve imha
Lütfen ürününüzün imhası için mevcut geri verme veya topla-
ma sistemlerini kullanınız.
Değişiklikler saklıdır
Annamme valmistajatakuun niille tuotteille, jotka on ostettu Euroopan Unionin
alueelta. Takuuehdot löytyvät Internet-osoitteestamme
tai voit tilata ne suoraan valmistajalta
Blaupunkt GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Str. 200
D-31139 Hildesheim
Asennus- ja liitäntämääräykset
Varmista ennen kiinnitysreikien poraamista, ettet vaurioita asennettuja
johtoja tai auton osia.
Älä asenna subwooferia irtonaisille hattuhyllyille (viistoperäiset autot) tai
eteenpäin avonaisille paikoille.
GTw 1000 Mystic, GTw 1200 Mystic
Ako je moguće, koristite refleksne kanale za bas prečnika od 7 do 10 cm
kako biste izbegli šumove koje stvara vazduh na malim otvorima.
PVC cevi se mogu kupiti u različitim prečnicima, pri čemu se delovi
cevi mogu sprovesti unutar kućišta pomoću odgovarajućih zglobova
i priključaka.
Koristite aktivne (elektronske) skretnice, kao što su one koje su
integrisane u Blaupunkt pojačalima. Ne preporučuje se upotreba
pasivnih skretnica.
Recikliranje i odlaganje
Molimo da za odlaganje proizvoda koristite raspoložive siste-
me za vraćanje i sakupljanje.
Podložno izmenama!
Please read these operating instructions before using the equip-
ment for the first time.
We provide a manufacturer guarantee for our products bought within
the United States of Amerika. The warranty terms can be called up under or requested directly from:
Blaupunkt USA
2800 South 25th Av.
Broadview, IL 60155
PH: 800-950-2528
FX: 708-865-5296
Safety Notes
Installation and installation instructions
Disconnect the negative terminal of the
battery before carrying out installation
and connection work.
Observe the vehicle manufacturer’s
safety instructions (regarding airbags,
alarm systems, trip computers, vehicle
Prior to drilling the mounting holes, make
sure that no cables and parts of the vehicle will be damaged.
Do not install subwoofers on loose rear shelves (fastback vehicles) or at
places open to the front.
Leave ample clearance between the cables and other harnesses. Use
the enclosed cable ducts at sharp-edged holes.
Notes about installing subwoofer housings
Before installing the housing, please observe some fundamental design
Subwoofers with infinite baffle can be installed in a vehicle by simply
using a wooden board trimmed to size which ensures an acoustic
separation between the front and rear sound components of a woofer.
The wooden board is affixed in the trunk under the rear shelf or in the
back of the rear seat bench. Any existing air gaps should be sealed
with sealing material.
The shape of the housing plays only a minor role with respect to the
playback of low frequencies and, therefore, is rather freely selectable.
However, try to avoid unusual shapes which require extensive work with
respect to trimming and gluing.
MDF boards or high-quality plywood made out of birch with a thickness
of 18 to 25 mm are perfectly suited for building speakers.
All abutting housing walls should be glued, screwed together and
sealed to avoid a continuing detachment due to vibrations and envi-
ronmental influences in the vehicle.
To avoid vibrations, stiffening ribs are useful for large speakers.
Acoustic insulating material (sheep's wool or
polyester web) which fills the inside volume
to at least 50 percent increases the effective
housing volume by 5 to 15 percent.
The cables from the amplifier to the subwoofer should be kept as short
as possible and have a cross-section of at least 2.5 mm
The finished subwoofer housing should be perfectly stable and air-
If possible, use bass reflex channels with a diameter of 7 to 10 cm
to avoid the air noises generally associated with smaller openings.
PVC pipes are available commercially in different diameters, whereby
the pipe sections can be routed inside the housing using appropriate
joints and fittings.
Use active (electronic) crossovers, such as those integrated into all Blau-
punkt amplifiers. The use of passive crossovers is not recommended.
Recycling and disposal
To dispose of the product, please use the available waste return
and collection systems.
Subject to changes!
GTw 1000 Mystic, GTw 1200 Mystic
GTw 1000 Mystic
Technische Daten, Specifications, Caractéristiques techniques, Dati tecnici, Technische gegevens, Tek-
niska data, Datos técnicos, Dados técnicos, Tekniske data, Dane techniczne, Technické údaje, Technické
údaje, Τεχνικά χαρακτηριστικά, Teknikveriler, Tekniset tiedot, Технические характеристики, Specifikacije,
Performance GTw 1000 Mystic
Peak power handling 900 Watt
RMS power handling 200 Watt
Nominal impedance 4 ohms
DC resistance (Re) 3.6 ohms
Resonance frequency (fs) 35 Hz
Frequency Response 35 - 1.000 Hz
Total Q factor (Qts) 0.62
Mechanical Q (Qms) 6.8
Electrical Q (Qes) 0.68
Equivalent air volume (Vas) 28 liters/0.98 cubic ft
Effective cone area (Sd) 340 cm²/52.4 sq. in
Sensitivity 91 dB (2.83 V/m
GTw 1200 Mystic
Performance GTw 1200 Mystic
Peak power handling 1000 Watt
RMS power handling 220 Watt
Nominal impedance 4 ohms
DC resistance (Re) 3.7 ohms
Resonance frequency (fs) 28 Hz
Frequency Response 30 - 1.000 Hz
Total Q factor (Qts) 0.56
Mechanical Q (Qms) 6.6
Electrical Q (Qes) 0.62
Equivalent air volume (Vas) 61 liters/2.13 cubic ft
Effective cone area (Sd) 510 cm²/78.5 sq. in
Sensitivity 92 dB (2.83 V/m
GTw 1000 Mystic, GTw 1200 Mystic
Boxenempfehlung Speaker recommendation Recommandation de caisson Scatole raccomandate
Aanbeveling voor boxen Lådrekommendation Cajas recomendadas Recomendação para caixas• Kas
seanbefalinger Zalecane głośniki • Doporučené boxy Odporúčané boxy • Υπόδειγα κουτιών Kutu
önerisi •Kotelosuositus • Рекомендация по корпусам • Speaker recommendation • Preporuke za zvučnik
• Preporuka za zvučnike
GTw 1000 Mystic
Sealed: 23 liters, F3 = 46 Hz
Vented 1: 23 liters, F3 = 35 Hz, Ft = 40 Hz
1x Port Ø = 7 cm/2.76”, L = 25 cm/10”, rounded on both sides or
1x Port Ø = 10 cm/4” , L = 55 cm/22”, rounded on both sides
Vented 2: 40 liters, F3 = 30 Hz, Ft = 35 Hz
1x Port Ø = 7 cm/2.76”, L = 17 cm/6.8”, rounded on both sides or
1x Port Ø = 10 cm/4”, L = 38 cm/15”, rounded on both sides
10 20 50 100 1K500HzFrequency
Vented 2
Vented 1
GTw 1000 Mystic, GTw 1200 Mystic
Boxenempfehlung Speaker recommendation Recommandation de caisson Scatole raccomandate
Aanbeveling voor boxen Lådrekommendation Cajas recomendadas Recomendação para caixas• Kas
seanbefalinger Zalecane głośniki • Doporučené boxy Odporúčané boxy • Υπόδειγα κουτιών Kutu
önerisi •Kotelosuositus • Рекомендация по корпусам • Speaker recommendation • Preporuke za zvučnik
• Preporuka za zvučnike
GTw 1200 Mystic
Sealed 44 liters, F3 = 38 Hz
Vented 1: 44 liters, F3 = 29 Hz, Ft = 32 Hz
1x Port Ø = 7 cm/2.76”, L = 19 cm/9.5”, rounded on both sides or
1x Port Ø = 10 cm/4” , L = 43 cm/17”, rounded on both sides
Vented 2: 70 liters, F3 = 25 Hz, Ft = 28 Hz
1x Port Ø = 7 cm/2.76”, L = 15 cm/6.0”, rounded on both sides or
1x Port Ø = 10 cm/4”, L = 34 cm/13.5”, rounded on both sides
10 20 50 100 1K500HzFrequency
Vented 2
Vented 1
Service-Nummern, Service numbers, Numéros de service, Numeri del servizio di assistenza, Servicenum-
mers, Servicenummer, Números de servicio, Números de serviço, Servicenumre, Numery serwisowe,
Servisní čísla, Servisné čísla, Τηλέφωνα σέρβι, Servis numaraları, Palvelunumerot, Номера службы
сервиса, Brojevi servisa, Servisni brojevi
Country: Phone: Fax:
Germany (D) 0180-5000225 05121-49 4002
Austria (A) 01-610 39 0 01-610 393 91
Denmark (DK) 44 898 360 44-898 644
Finland (FIN) 09-435 991 09-435 99236
Great Britain (GB) 01-89583 8880 01-89583 8394
Greece (GR) 210 94 27 337 210 94 12 711
Ireland (IRL) 01-46 66 700 01-46 66 706
Italy (I) 02-369 62331 02-369 6464
Luxembourg (L) 40 4078 40 2085
Norway (N) +47 64 87 89 60 +47 64 87 89 02
Portugal (P) 2185 00144 2185 00165
Spain (E) 902 52 77 70 91 410 4078
Sweden (S) 08-750 18 50 08-750 18 10
Switzerland (CH) 01-8471644 01-8471650
Czech Rep. (CZ) 02-6130 0446 02-6130 0514
Hungary (H) 76 889 704
Poland (PL) 0800-118922 022-8771260
Turkey (TR) 0212-335 07 23 0212-3460040
USA (USA) 800-950-2528 708-6817188
(Mercosur) (BR) 0800 7045446 +55-19 3745 2773
(Asia Pacific) (MAL) +604-6382 474 +604-6413 640
11.08 CM-AS/SCS1 - 8 622 406 300
Blaupunkt GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Str. 200
D-31139 Hildesheim