A - Program Seçici - Düğmeyi her iki yöne de
çevirerek istenilen kurutma programını seçebilirsiniz.
Seçimleri iptal etmek veya kurutucuyu kapamak
için düğmeyi OFF (kapalı) konumuna çevirin.
B - Ekran Rakamı - Ekran, kurutma için kalan zamanı,
gecikmeli başlamanın seçilmesi durumunda
zamanı ve diğer bildirimlerin ayarını gösterir.
C - Düğmeler
1.Başlat/Duraklat Düğmesi
- Seçili programı
başlatmak ve/veya duraklatmak içindir.
2. Gecikmeli Başlatma Düğmesi
Programın başlamasını, 1-saatlik aralıklarla, 1 ila
24 saat arası geciktirmeyi sağlar. Seçilen
gecikme ekranda gösterilir.
START (başlat) düğmesine bastıktan sonra
gösterilen zaman saat be saat azalır.
Buhar deliğinin gecikmiş başlatma ayarındayken
açılması durumunda, buhar deliğini yeniden
kapadıktan sonra, saymaya devam edilmesi için
yeniden START (başlat) düğmesine basın.
3. Kurutma Seçim Düğmesi
Program başladıktan sonraki 5 dakikaya kadar
istenen kuruluk seviyesini düzenleme seçeneğini
ayarlamayı sağlar:
Ütüye Hazır
: Ütülemeyi kolaylaştırmak için
çamaşırları hafif ıslak bırakır.
Askı Kuruluğu: Çamaşırı askıya asılacak hale
Gardırop Kuruluğu: Doğrudan dolaba
kaldırılabilecek çamaşırlar içindir.
Ekstra-kuruluk: Tamamen kuru çamaşırlar
elde etmede, tüm çamaşırlar için idealdir.
Bu cihazlarda Kurutma Yöneticisi İşlevi bulunur.
Otomatik programlarda, seçilen seviyeye
ulaşmadan önceki her bir ara kurutma seviyesi,
ulaşılan kurutma derecesine karşılık gelen ışıklı
göstergenin yanıp sönmesiyle gösterilir.
Uyumsuzluk halinde, tüm LED'ler 3 defa hızlıca
yanıp söner.
4. Hızlı Düğmesi / Zaman Program Seçeneği
Program başladıktan sonraki 3 dakikaya kadar,
bazı otomatik programları RAPID (Hızlı)
programlara çevirmek mümkün. Kademeli basış
zamanı arttırır (30-45-59 dakika).
Otomatik kurutma işlevini sıfırlamak için bu
seçimi yaptıktan sonra kurutucuyu kapatmak
gereklidir. Uyumsuzluk halinde, tüm LED'ler 3
defa hızlıca yanıp söner.
Program başladıktan sonraki 3 dakikaya kadar,
bir programı otomatikten programlanmışa
dönüştürmek mümkündür.
Kademeli basınç zamanı 10-dakikalık aralıklarla
artar. Otomatik kurutma işlevini sıfırlamak için bu
seçimi yaptıktan sonra kurutucuyu kapatmak
gereklidir. Uyumsuzluk halinde, tüm LED'ler 3
defa hızlıca yanıp söner.
Kırışıklık Önleme
Bu seçenek, gecikmenin etkinleştirilmesi halinde
ve kurutma programının sonunda, tambur ön
programının kırışıklık önleme hareketinin otomatik
olarak etkinleştirilmesini sağlar. Kurutma programının
sonunda, 6 saate kadar, her 10 dakikada bir
etkinleşir. Hareketleri durdurmak için düğmeyi OFF
(kapalı) konumuna getirin. Çamaşırların hemen
çıkarılması gerekmediği zamanlarda kullanışlıdır.
6. Hafıza
Bu seçenek, programın seçenekler ayarını
kaydetmenizi sağlar.
HAFIZA: program çalışırken "memory" (hafıza)
düğmesine üç saniye boyunca basın. Kontrol
ışığı “memory” üç kez yanıp söner ve kenarda
seçilen döngüye bağlı olarak ayarlanan
seçenekleri kaydeder.
Program seçildikten sonra
kaydedilen seçenekleri geri almak için “memory”
düğmesine basın (programa değil).
7. Tuş Kilidi
Bu işlev kurutma aşaması sırasında panel
üzerinde ayarlanmış seçeneklerin istenmeyen bir
şekilde değiştirilmesini engellemeyi sağlar.
Etkinleştirme/Devre Dışı Bırakma: İ
ki saniye
boyunca 3 ve 4 düğmeye birden aynı anda basın.
Ekranda “LOC” işareti görünür. Seçeneği kilidini
açarken ekranda "Unl" işareti, sadece bir kere
A - Programme Selector - Rotating the knob in
both directions it's possible to select the desired
drying program. To cancel the selections or
switch off the dryer rotate the knob on OFF.
B - Display Digit - The display shows the
remaining time for drying, the postponed time in
case of delayed start selection and other
notifications setting.
C - Buttons -
1.Start/Pause Button
To start the selected program and/or suspend it.
This appliances is equipped with Drying Manager
Function. On automatic cycles, each level of
intermediate drying, prior to the reaching the
selected one, is indicated by flashing the light
indicator corresponding to the degree of drying
reached. In case of incompatibility, all LEDs flash
quickly for 3 times.
4.Rapids Button / Time Cycle selection
It's possible switch some automatic programs to
RAPID programs, up to 3 minutes after t
he start of
the cycle. The progressive pressure increases
the time (30-45-59 minutes).
After this selection to reset the automatic drying
functioning is necessary to switch off the dryer.
In case of incompatibility, all LEDs flash quickly
for 3 times.
It's possible transform a cycle from automatic to
programmed, up to 3 minutes after the start of
the cycle.
The progressive pressure increases the time in
10-minute intervals. After this selection to reset
the automatic dying functioning is necessary to
switch off the dryer. In case of incompatibility, all
LEDs flash quickly for 3 times.
5.Anti Crease
This option allows to activate an anti-creases
movement of the drum pre cycle in case of
activation of the delay and at the end of drying
cycle. It is activated every 10 minutes, up to 6
hours after the end of the drying cycle. To stop
the movements set the knob to OFF. Useful
when it's not possible to remove immediately the
This option allows you to store the options set on
a cycle.
MEMORY: when the cycle is running push the
button "memory" for three seconds. The control
light "memory" flashes for three times and stores
the set options connected to the cycle selected in
the flange.
RECALL: after the selection of the cycle push
the button "memory" for recall the stored options
(not the cycle).
7. Keylock
This function allows to block unwanted changes
of the set options on the bezel, during drying
Activation/Inactivation: push 3 and 4 buttons
simultaneously for two seconds. The sign "LOC"
appears on the display. Unlocking the option, on
the display appears the sign "Unl", only once.
2.Delay Start Button
It allows to delay the start of the program from 1
to 24 hours in 1-hour intervals. The delay
selected is shown on the display.
After pressing the START button the time
showed decrease hour after hour.
Opening of the porthole with delayed start set,
after re-
to resume the counting.
3.Drying Selection Button
It allows to set the desired dryness level editable
option up to 5 minutes after the starting of the cycle:
Ready to Iron: It leaves the garments slightly wet
to facilitate ironing.
Dry Hanger: To get garment ready to be hang.
Dry wardrobe: For laundry that can be directly
Extra-dry: To get completely dry garments,
ideal for full load.
closing the porthole, press START again
A - Programme Selector - Rotating the knob in
both directions it's possible to select the desired
drying program. To cancel the selections or
switch off the dryer rotate the knob on OFF.
B - Display Digit - The display shows the
remaining time for drying, the postponed time in
case of delayed start selection and other
notifications setting.
C - Buttons -
1.Start/Pause Button
To start the selected program and/or suspend it.
This appliances is equipped with Drying Manager
Function. On automatic cycles, each level of
intermediate drying, prior to the reaching the
selected one, is indicated by flashing the light
indicator corresponding to the degree of drying
reached. In case of incompatibility, all LEDs flash
quickly for 3 times.
4.Rapids Button / Time Cycle selection
It's possible switch some automatic programs to
RAPID programs, up to 3 minutes after t
he start of
the cycle. The progressive pressure increases
the time (30-45-59 minutes).
After this selection to reset the automatic drying
functioning is necessary to switch off the dryer.
In case of incompatibility, all LEDs flash quickly
for 3 times.
It's possible transform a cycle from automatic to
programmed, up to 3 minutes after the start of
the cycle.
The progressive pressure increases the time in
10-minute intervals. After this selection to reset
the automatic dying functioning is necessary to
switch off the dryer. In case of incompatibility, all
LEDs flash quickly for 3 times.
5.Anti Crease
This option allows to activate an anti-creases
movement of the drum pre cycle in case of
activation of the delay and at the end of drying
cycle. It is activated every 10 minutes, up to 6
hours after the end of the drying cycle. To stop
the movements set the knob to OFF. Useful
when it's not possible to remove immediately the
This option allows you to store the options set on
a cycle.
MEMORY: when the cycle is running push the
button "memory" for three seconds. The control
light "memory" flashes for three times and stores
the set options connected to the cycle selected in
the flange.
RECALL: after the selection of the cycle push
the button "memory" for recall the stored options
(not the cycle).
7. Keylock
This function allows to block unwanted changes
of the set options on the bezel, during drying
Activation/Inactivation: push 3 and 4 buttons
simultaneously for two seconds. The sign "LOC"
appears on the display. Unlocking the option, on
the display appears the sign "Unl", only once.
2.Delay Start Button
It allows to delay the start of the program from 1
to 24 hours in 1-hour intervals. The delay
selected is shown on the display.
After pressing the START button the time
showed decrease hour after hour.
Opening of the porthole with delayed start set,
after re-
to resume the counting.
3.Drying Selection Button
It allows to set the desired dryness level editable
option up to 5 minutes after the starting of the cycle:
Ready to Iron: It leaves the garments slightly wet
to facilitate ironing.
Dry Hanger: To get garment ready to be hang.
Dry wardrobe: For laundry that can be directly
Extra-dry: To get completely dry garments,
ideal for full load.
closing the porthole, press START again
A - Programme Selector - Rotating the knob in
both directions it's possible to select the desired
drying program. To cancel the selections or
switch off the dryer rotate the knob on OFF.
B - Display Digit - The display shows the
remaining time for drying, the postponed time in
case of delayed start selection and other
notifications setting.
C - Buttons -
1.Start/Pause Button
To start the selected program and/or suspend it.
This appliances is equipped with Drying Manager
Function. On automatic cycles, each level of
intermediate drying, prior to the reaching the
selected one, is indicated by flashing the light
indicator corresponding to the degree of drying
reached. In case of incompatibility, all LEDs flash
quickly for 3 times.
4.Rapids Button / Time Cycle selection
It's possible switch some automatic programs to
RAPID programs, up to 3 minutes after t
he start of
the cycle. The progressive pressure increases
the time (30-45-59 minutes).
After this selection to reset the automatic drying
functioning is necessary to switch off the dryer.
In case of incompatibility, all LEDs flash quickly
for 3 times.
It's possible transform a cycle from automatic to
programmed, up to 3 minutes after the start of
the cycle.
The progressive pressure increases the time in
10-minute intervals. After this selection to reset
the automatic dying functioning is necessary to
switch off the dryer. In case of incompatibility, all
LEDs flash quickly for 3 times.
5.Anti Crease
This option allows to activate an anti-creases
movement of the drum pre cycle in case of
activation of the delay and at the end of drying
cycle. It is activated every 10 minutes, up to 6
hours after the end of the drying cycle. To stop
the movements set the knob to OFF. Useful
when it's not possible to remove immediately the
This option allows you to store the options set on
a cycle.
MEMORY: when the cycle is running push the
button "memory" for three seconds. The control
light "memory" flashes for three times and stores
the set options connected to the cycle selected in
the flange.
RECALL: after the selection of the cycle push
the button "memory" for recall the stored options
(not the cycle).
7. Keylock
This function allows to block unwanted changes
of the set options on the bezel, during drying
Activation/Inactivation: push 3 and 4 buttons
simultaneously for two seconds. The sign "LOC"
appears on the display. Unlocking the option, on
the display appears the sign "Unl", only once.
2.Delay Start Button
It allows to delay the start of the program from 1
to 24 hours in 1-hour intervals. The delay
selected is shown on the display.
After pressing the START button the time
showed decrease hour after hour.
Opening of the porthole with delayed start set,
after re-
to resume the counting.
3.Drying Selection Button
It allows to set the desired dryness level editable
option up to 5 minutes after the starting of the cycle:
Ready to Iron: It leaves the garments slightly wet
to facilitate ironing.
Dry Hanger: To get garment ready to be hang.
Dry wardrobe: For laundry that can be directly
Extra-dry: To get completely dry garments,
closing the porthole, press START again
A - Programme Selector - Rotating the knob in
both directions it's possible to select the desired
drying program. To cancel the selections or
switch off the dryer rotate the knob on OFF.
B - Display Digit - The display shows the
remaining time for drying, the postponed time in
case of delayed start selection and other
notifications setting.
C - Buttons -
1.Start/Pause Button
To start the selected program and/or suspend it.
This appliances is equipped with Drying Manager
Function. On automatic cycles, each level of
intermediate drying, prior to the reaching the
selected one, is indicated by flashing the light
indicator corresponding to the degree of drying
reached. In case of incompatibility, all LEDs flash
quickly for 3 times.
4.Rapids Button / Time Cycle selection
It's possible switch some automatic programs to
RAPID programs, up to 3 minutes after t
he start of
the cycle. The progressive pressure increases
the time (30-45-59 minutes).
After this selection to reset the automatic drying
functioning is necessary to switch off the dryer.
In case of incompatibility, all LEDs flash quickly
for 3 times.
It's possible transform a cycle from automatic to
programmed, up to 3 minutes after the start of
the cycle.
The progressive pressure increases the time in
10-minute intervals. After this selection to reset
the automatic dying functioning is necessary to
switch off the dryer. In case of incompatibility, all
LEDs flash quickly for 3 times.
5.Anti Crease
This option allows to activate an anti-creases
movement of the drum pre cycle in case of
activation of the delay and at the end of drying
cycle. It is activated every 10 minutes, up to 6
hours after the end of the drying cycle. To stop
the movements set the knob to OFF. Useful
when it's not possible to remove immediately the
This option allows you to store the options set on
a cycle.
MEMORY: when the cycle is running push the
button "memory" for three seconds. The control
light "memory" flashes for three times and stores
the set options connected to the cycle selected in
the flange.
RECALL: after the selection of the cycle push
the button "memory" for recall the stored options
(not the cycle).
7. Keylock
This function allows to block unwanted changes
of the set options on the bezel, during drying
Activation/Inactivation: push 3 and 4 buttons
simultaneously for two seconds. The sign "LOC"
appears on the display. Unlocking the option, on
2.Delay Start Button
It allows to delay the start of the program from 1
to 24 hours in 1-hour intervals. The delay
selected is shown on the display.
After pressing the START button the time
showed decrease hour after hour.
Opening of the porthole with delayed start set,
after re-
to resume the counting.
3.Drying Selection Button
It allows to set the desired dryness level editable
option up to 5 minutes after the starting of the cycle:
Ready to Iron: It leaves the garments slightly wet
to facilitate ironing.
Dry Hanger: To get garment ready to be hang.
Dry wardrobe: For laundry that can be directly
Extra-dry: To get completely dry garments,
closing the porthole, press START again
A - Programme Selector - Rotating the knob in
both directions it's possible to select the desired
drying program. To cancel the selections or
switch off the dryer rotate the knob on OFF.
B - Display Digit - The display shows the
remaining time for drying, the postponed time in
case of delayed start selection and other
notifications setting.
C - Buttons -
1.Start/Pause Button
To start the selected program and/or suspend it.
This appliances is equipped with Drying Manager
Function. On automatic cycles, each level of
intermediate drying, prior to the reaching the
selected one, is indicated by flashing the light
indicator corresponding to the degree of drying
reached. In case of incompatibility, all LEDs flash
quickly for 3 times.
4.Rapids Button / Time Cycle selection
It's possible switch some automatic programs to
RAPID programs, up to 3 minutes after t
he start of
the cycle. The progressive pressure increases
the time (30-45-59 minutes).
After this selection to reset the automatic drying
functioning is necessary to switch off the dryer.
In case of incompatibility, all LEDs flash quickly
for 3 times.
It's possible transform a cycle from automatic to
programmed, up to 3 minutes after the start of
the cycle.
The progressive pressure increases the time in
10-minute intervals. After this selection to reset
the automatic dying functioning is necessary to
switch off the dryer. In case of incompatibility, all
LEDs flash quickly for 3 times.
5.Anti Crease
This option allows to activate an anti-creases
movement of the drum pre cycle in case of
activation of the delay and at the end of drying
cycle. It is activated every 10 minutes, up to 6
hours after the end of the drying cycle. To stop
the movements set the knob to OFF. Useful
when it's not possible to remove immediately the
This option allows you to store the options set on
a cycle.
MEMORY: when the cycle is running push the
button "memory" for three seconds. The control
light "memory" flashes for three times and stores
the set options connected to the cycle selected in
the flange.
RECALL: after the selection of the cycle push
the button "memory" for recall the stored options
(not the cycle).
7. Keylock
This function allows to block unwanted changes
of the set options on the bezel, during drying
Activation/Inactivation: push 3 and 4 buttons
simultaneously for two seconds. The sign "LOC"
appears on the display. Unlocking the option, on
the display appears the sign "Unl", only once.
2.Delay Start Button
It allows to delay the start of the program from 1
to 24 hours in 1-hour intervals. The delay
selected is shown on the display.
After pressing the START button the time
showed decrease hour after hour.
Opening of the porthole with delayed start set,
after re-
to resume the counting.
3.Drying Selection Button
It allows to set the desired dryness level editable
option up to 5 minutes after the starting of the cycle:
Ready to Iron: It leaves the garments slightly wet
to facilitate ironing.
Dry Hanger: To get garment ready to be hang.
Dry wardrobe: For laundry that can be directly
Extra-dry: To get completely dry garments,
ideal for full load.
closing the porthole, press START again
A - Programme Selector - Rotating the knob in
both directions it's possible to select the desired
drying program. To cancel the selections or
switch off the dryer rotate the knob on OFF.
B - Display Digit - The display shows the
remaining time for drying, the postponed time in
case of delayed start selection and other
notifications setting.
C - Buttons -
1.Start/Pause Button
To start the selected program and/or suspend it.
This appliances is equipped with Drying Manager
Function. On automatic cycles, each level of
intermediate drying, prior to the reaching the
selected one, is indicated by flashing the light
indicator corresponding to the degree of drying
reached. In case of incompatibility, all LEDs flash
quickly for 3 times.
4.Rapids Button / Time Cycle selection
It's possible switch some automatic programs to
RAPID programs, up to 3 minutes after t
he start of
the cycle. The progressive pressure increases
the time (30-45-59 minutes).
After this selection to reset the automatic drying
functioning is necessary to switch off the dryer.
In case of incompatibility, all LEDs flash quickly
for 3 times.
It's possible transform a cycle from automatic to
programmed, up to 3 minutes after the start of
the cycle.
The progressive pressure increases the time in
10-minute intervals. After this selection to reset
the automatic dying functioning is necessary to
switch off the dryer. In case of incompatibility, all
LEDs flash quickly for 3 times.
5.Anti Crease
This option allows to activate an anti-creases
movement of the drum pre cycle in case of
activation of the delay and at the end of drying
cycle. It is activated every 10 minutes, up to 6
hours after the end of the drying cycle. To stop
the movements set the knob to OFF. Useful
when it's not possible to remove immediately the
This option allows you to store the options set on
a cycle.
MEMORY: when the cycle is running push the
button "memory" for three seconds. The control
light "memory" flashes for three times and stores
the set options connected to the cycle selected in
the flange.
RECALL: after the selection of the cycle push
the button "memory" for recall the stored options
(not the cycle).
7. Keylock
This function allows to block unwanted changes
of the set options on the bezel, during drying
Activation/Inactivation: push 3 and 4 buttons
simultaneously for two seconds. The sign "LOC"
appears on the display. Unlocking the option, on
the display appears the sign "Unl", only once.
2.Delay Start Button
It allows to delay the start of the program from 1
to 24 hours in 1-hour intervals. The delay
selected is shown on the display.
After pressing the START button the time
showed decrease hour after hour.
Opening of the porthole with delayed start set,
after re-
to resume the counting.
3.Drying Selection Button
It allows to set the desired dryness level editable
option up to 5 minutes after the starting of the cycle:
Ready to Iron: It leaves the garments slightly wet
to facilitate ironing.
Dry Hanger: To get garment ready to be hang.
Dry wardrobe: For laundry that can be directly
Extra-dry: To get completely dry garments,
ideal for full load.
closing the porthole, press START again
A - Programme Selector - Rotating the knob in
both directions it's possible to select the desired
drying program. To cancel the selections or
switch off the dryer rotate the knob on OFF.
B - Display Digit - The display shows the
remaining time for drying, the postponed time in
case of delayed start selection and other
notifications setting.
C - Buttons -
1.Start/Pause Button
To start the selected program and/or suspend it.
This appliances is equipped with Drying Manager
Function. On automatic cycles, each level of
intermediate drying, prior to the reaching the
selected one, is indicated by flashing the light
indicator corresponding to the degree of drying
reached. In case of incompatibility, all LEDs flash
quickly for 3 times.
4.Rapids Button / Time Cycle selection
It's possible switch some automatic programs to
RAPID programs, up to 3 minutes after t
he start of
the cycle. The progressive pressure increases
the time (30-45-59 minutes).
After this selection to reset the automatic drying
functioning is necessary to switch off the dryer.
In case of incompatibility, all LEDs flash quickly
for 3 times.
It's possible transform a cycle from automatic to
programmed, up to 3 minutes after the start of
the cycle.
The progressive pressure increases the time in
10-minute intervals. After this selection to reset
the automatic dying functioning is necessary to
switch off the dryer. In case of incompatibility, all
LEDs flash quickly for 3 times.
5.Anti Crease
This option allows to activate an anti-creases
movement of the drum pre cycle in case of
activation of the delay and at the end of drying
cycle. It is activated every 10 minutes, up to 6
hours after the end of the drying cycle. To stop
the movements set the knob to OFF. Useful
when it's not possible to remove immediately the
This option allows you to store the options set on
a cycle.
MEMORY: when the cycle is running push the
button "memory" for three seconds. The control
light "memory" flashes for three times and stores
the set options connected to the cycle selected in
the flange.
RECALL: after the selection of the cycle push
the button "memory" for recall the stored options
(not the cycle).
7. Keylock
This function allows to block unwanted changes
of the set options on the bezel, during drying
Activation/Inactivation: push 3 and 4 buttons
simultaneously for two seconds. The sign "LOC"
appears on the display. Unlocking the option, on
the display appears the sign "Unl", only once.
2.Delay Start Button
It allows to delay the start of the program from 1
to 24 hours in 1-hour intervals. The delay
selected is shown on the display.
After pressing the START button the time
showed decrease hour after hour.
Opening of the porthole with delayed start set,
after re-
to resume the counting.
3.Drying Selection Button
It allows to set the desired dryness level editable
option up to 5 minutes after the starting of the cycle:
Ready to Iron: It leaves the garments slightly wet
to facilitate ironing.
Dry Hanger: To get garment ready to be hang.
Dry wardrobe: For laundry that can be directly
Extra-dry: To get completely dry garments,
ideal for full load.
closing the porthole, press START again