Using the irrigator
Fill the water reservoir (j) with
lukewarm water by lifting the
reservoir cap (i) on the back of
the handle (g).
Lean over the sink and direct the
nozzle in your mouth. Close your
lips slightly and turn on the
handle by pressing the on/off
button (c).
Guide the jet along the gumline
and pause briefly between teeth.
Alternatively, you may also point
the nozzle tip at a desired area
and use the on-demand button
(d) for a single jet stream.
Keep your mouth slightly open to
allow the water to run into the sink.
Refill water reservoir as many
times as needed to complete
your cleaning routine. It may take
multiple refills to clean your entire
After use
Make sure the water reservoir is
completely empty. Press the on/
off button (c) and leave it turned
on until no more water is running
through the nozzle, to prevent
any deposit build-up or bacteria
from collecting in the standing
water. Turn off the handle by
pressing the on/off button again
once the water is empty. A longer
operation of the handle without
water may damage the motor.
To drain any water out of the han-
dle hold it over the washbasin and
tilt it from side to side (picture 6).
Release the nozzle (a) by press-
ing the release button (h) and
pulling the nozzle at the same
time (picture 7).
Lift up the cap (i) and let the
water reservoir air-dry. Always
wipe the handle and nozzle dry.
Note: Make sure you always
empty the water reservoir before
storing or travelling with the
In general we recommend to re-
place the nozzle every 3 months.
Cleaning recommendations
Clean and dry handle after each
use and leave the water reservoir
cap (i) open.
The water reservoir (j) is dish-
washer-safe and can be de-
tached via the snap-fit on the
bottom of the handle. Move the
lever and slide the reservoir down
(picture 8). Regularly clean the
charger and handle with a damp
cloth. Store the appliance in a
cool and dry place.
Subject to change without notice.
Environmental Notice
Product contains batteries
and/or recyclable electric
waste. For environment
protection do not dispose
in household waste, but for
recycling take to electric waste
collection points provided in
your country.
We grant 2 years guarantee on
the product commencing on the
date of purchase. Within the
guarantee period we will elimi-
nate, free of charge, any defects
in the appliance resulting from
faults in materials or workman-
ship, either by repairing or re-
placing the complete appliance
as we may choose.
This guarantee extends to every
country where this appliance is
supplied by Braun or its appoint-
ed distributor. This guarantee
does not cover: damage due to
improper use, normal wear or
use, especially regarding the
brush heads/nozzles as well as
defects that have a negligible ef-
fect on the value or operation of
the appliance.
The guarantee becomes void if
repairs are undertaken by un-
authorised persons and if original
Braun parts are not used.
To obtain service within the guar-
antee period, hand in or send the
complete appliance with your
sales receipt to an authorized
Oral-B Braun Customer Service
Dobro došli u Oral-B!
Molimo vas da pažljivo pročitate
uputstva pre prve upotrebe i da
sačuvate ovaj priručnik za budu-
će potrebe.
• Ne stavljajte punjač u vodu ili
tečnost, niti na mesto odakle
može da padne u kadu ili la-
vabo. Nemojte ga izvlačiti ako
padne u vodu. Isključite ga
odmah iz struje.
• Ovaj aparat ima baterije koje
se ne mogu zameniti. Nemojte
rasklapati proizvod, osim da
biste izvadili bateriju. Kada že-
lite da izvadite bateriju iz ručke
kako biste je bacili, pazite da ne
napravite kratak spoj pozitivnog
(+) i negativnog (–) kontakta.
• Kada aparat isključujete iz stru-
je, povucite utikač, a ne kabl.
Nemojte dirati utikač vlažnim
rukama. To može dovesti do
strujnog udara.
• Nemojte da usmeravate mlaz
vode u uho ili nos. U nekoj
vodi sa česme ili nehlorisanoj
izvorskoj vodi može biti prisut-
na potencijalno smrtonosna
ameba Naegleria fowleri, zbog
čega takva voda može biti fatal-
na ako se mlaz usmeri ka ovim
delovima tela.
• Nemojte da usmeravate mlaz
vode ka delu ispod jezika, u
uho, nos ili druga osetljiva
mesta. Ovaj proizvod može da
stvara pritisak koji može ozbilj-
no da ošteti te delove tela.
• Ako imate neki stomatološki
problem koji lečite, posavetujte
se sa stomatologom pre nego
što upotrebite ovaj proizvod.
• Ovaj uređaj služi za ličnu higije-
nu jedne osobe i nije namenjen
da se koristi od strane više
• Sitni delovi mogu da otpadnu;
držite van domašaja dece.
Da ne bi došlo do lomljenja mla-
znice irigatora, jer to može dove-
sti do gušenja sitnim delovima ili
do povreda zuba:
• Ako vam proizvod ispadne iz
ruke, treba da zamenite mlazni-
cu irigatora pre sledećeg kori-
šćenja čak i ako nema vidljivih
• Pravilno operite uređaj posle
svake upotrebe (pročitajte
«Preporuke za čišćenje»). Pra-
vilnim čišćenjem osiguraćete
da vaš uređaj bude funkciona-
lan i bezbedan za upotrebu.
Povremeno proveravajte
da li je proizvod/gajtan
oštećen. Ako je
gajtan oštećen,
ga u servis kompanije
Oral-B na popravku.
Deo koji je
oštećen ili ne
radi dobro
ne treba
koristiti. Ne prepravljajte
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Business Use - P&G AUTHORIZED POA-00082341 Rev 001 Effective Date 2018-11-12 Printed 2019-01-23 Page 3 of 24